Breakfast After-School clubs in Hailsham - Kids Active Zone - Grovelands Active - Community Breakfast Clubs and After School Clubs in Hailsham
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Home to Grovelands Active

Breakfast After-School clubs in Eastbourne

Our Sports & Physical Activities

Kids Active Zone Ltd (Home of Grovelands Active) based at Grovelands Community Primary School, Hailsham, East Sussex, provide specialist PE teaching and sporting activities for Children 5 (from Year One) – 12 years old. We offer the opportunity for children to try a range of sports like Tennis, Basketball, Gymnastics, Football, Ultimate Frisbee, Curling, Cheerleading, Multisports and Cycling, to name but a few.

Our before, after-school and holiday clubs allow parents that work longer hours to be reassured their children are enjoying a fun and engaging activity.

PE & School Sport Premium

In 2013 the Government announced that all Primary schools would receive funding to develop Physical Education and School Sport.

We encourage pupils to take part in a range of high quality, out-of-school-hours activities that engage individuals whilst they are enjoying and achieving, children and parents can see significant positive effects that exercise has on both physical and mental health.

Out-of-Hours & Holiday Clubs

We aim to support parents by providing a safe, active environment where their children are cared for by our team for our Breakfast Club, After-School Club and also offer a range of additional sessions during school holidays.

Breakfast Club starts at 7:45am
After School Clubs start immediately after school when children will go straight to the school hall and finish at either 4:20pm, 5:00pm or 5:30pm.

Ofsted Childcare Registers

At Grovelands Active we are proud to be on both the compulsory and voluntary Ofsted Childcare registers. We can give parents the assurance that our clubs are meeting appropriate standards of care with suitably qualified staff (Qualified and experienced PE Teachers and Coaches)

Clubs must register with Ofsted if: children attend for more than two hours per day; the children are under the age of eight; and if the purpose of the club is to provide childcare.

As we are not on the Early Years Register (caring for children from birth to 31st August after their 5th birthday) we can only care for children once they reach Year One.

Parents who are eligible for Working Tax Credit can reclaim some of the childcare costs for our Ofsted registered club. Also, if employers provide childcare vouchers, parents can use these to pay for our clubs too.

PE & School Sports Premium

On 24th October 2017, the Department for Education published new guidance on the doubled Primary PE and Sport Premium grant.

Each school must account for the way in which they spend their funding and there are specific guidelines for how to and how not to use the funding.

Breakfast After-School clubs in Eastbourne

Kids Active Zone Ltd are working with Primary schools to ensure that this funding is being used effectively through:

  • Using qualified PE teachers to deliver continual professional development, PE curriculum and targeted intervention support for individual pupils
  • Hiring qualified sports coaches to deliver before/after school and holiday clubs
  • Delivering and introducing new sports and physical activities to encourage more pupils to participate
  • Supporting and involving pupils who are the least active by delivering Change 4 Life programmes
  • Involving and supporting pupils and schools to enter and run sport competitions
  • Partnering with other schools by offering our after school and holiday clubs to all children aged 5-12
  • Supporting PE coordinators to increase pupils’ participation in the School Games
  • Encouraging and training pupils to take on leadership and volunteer roles, for example; playground leaders, leading parts of sessions, equipment monitors and helping others

Every Child Matters

Kids Active Zone are committed to ensuring that all young people are provided with quality opportunities to develop to their full potential. This is why we employ qualified teachers and those who understand that the child comes first, then the activity. Every Child Matters is key to our delivery and we work to embed these outcomes in everything we do.

Staying Safe

Safeguarding young people is paramount and staff will question any issues that might arise with regard to child protection. It is a duty, placed upon all providers of services for children and young people, that we do everything possible to protect children and young people from harm. We may ask you for a password for collecting your child and would also ask that you inform us who will be collecting them at the end of each session.

Being Healthy

Kids Active Zone ensure that active, fit and healthy lifestyles are promoted in everything we do. Please send your child in with a healthy snack that will allow for energy to be released slowly. Starchy food and fruit are an important and good source of fuel for the body.

Enjoying & Achieving

Kids Active Zone work to ensure that enjoyment is the bottom line. Activities need to be fun and we want to develop young people, their skills, knowledge and understanding. From this, confidence and motivation is evoked. We provide opportunity for individuals to set their own goals and challenges as achievable targets.

Making a Positive Contribution

Kids Active Zone consult everyone involved in our activities to ensure that we are delivering sessions that are meaningful and purposeful for those that take part. We find out what young people want to do, we then work to find a way to facilitate this within an enjoyable environment. During our holiday clubs, young people choose the activity they would like to participate in for each session throughout the day. The more young people we can involve, the more choice we are able to offer.

Achieving Economic Wellbeing

Kids Active Zone are committed to training and development of individuals who would like the opportunity to pursue a career working to support the community. Working with local schools and colleges we support a range of programmes that prepare young people for work but we also look to support children to develop as independent learners and thinkers, able to problem solve alone and as part of a group.

Key Objectives

Kids Active Zone are supporting the wider community through some key objectives:

  • To develop children, school, staff and the community’s understanding of the importance of Physical Education and the significant positive effects exercise has on both physical and mental health;
  • To encourage pupils to take part in a range of high quality, out-of-school-hours activities that engage individuals whilst they are enjoying and achieving;
  • To allow working parents the option of a 9-5 working day and not be confined to working around the current school day. On average women who live and work in the county, work 30.3 hours per week compared to 42.3 hours for their male counterparts (East Sussex in Figures, 2012). According to research by the Resolution Foundation, 44% of part time working mothers cited that a major barrier to accessing full time work was either that they could not find work around their caring commitments or there was a lack of affordable quality childcare;
  • To develop partnerships and support local colleges and universities to enable students to engage in apprenticeship schemes, volunteering opportunities and work, through participation in each project.

Breakfast Clubs

When children arrive at 7.45am they have a free play session for around 15 minutes, during this time the children and staff will be making up games or playing their favourites; quite often a quick game of chicken or hero. At 7:45am we will start a structured activity with all the children.

Guaranteed to be a wake up and get ready for the day ahead. At 8:15am, the children wash their hands and all sit down together to enjoy breakfast, they are all given a choice of juice along with a choice of cereal and/or toast. When the school bell goes to start the day, years 2+ walk along to their classrooms, Year 1 are accompanied by Kids Active Zone staff to their classrooms.

We have plenty of capacity at Breakfast Club but it does need to be booked and paid for in advance. Bookings can be made by clicking the link at the bottom of this page.

After-School Clubs

Children attending after school sessions will go directly from their classrooms to the hall (children from other schools will also meet in the hall). The children will get changed and all sit down and have a snack in the hall before starting their booked activity. Parents then collect their children at either 4:20pm, 5:00pm or 5:30pm, according to their booking.

If your child is in KS1, please ensure the school staff know they are attending Kids Active Zone when you drop them off at the door in the morning.

All children should bring to school a change of clothes for Kids Active Zone, their water bottle from school and a snack to have before they start club. Bookings can be made by clicking the link at the bottom of this page.

We are excited to announce we have a new club collection time to our Monday, Wednesday and Friday clubs of 4.20pm for just £4.50! If extra childcare is needed we still have our 5.00pm (£7.00) collection time available.

Due to the structure of our Football and Gymnastics clubs we will continue with the current 5.00pm collection time. After school clubs can be booked on an ad hoc or termly basis.


Multi Sport / Alternative Games
3.15pm – 4.20pm / 5.00pm


3.15pm – 5.00pm


3.15pm – 4.20pm
Fun Active Games
4.20pm – 5.00pm


Kids Fitness / Circuit Training
3.15pm – 4.20pm
Fun Active Games
4.20pm – 5.00pm


3.15pm – 4.20pm
Fun Active Games
4.20pm – 5.00pm

If you need childcare and your child doesn’t wish to join any of the activities they are welcome to sit and watch or read, colour and/or complete homework.

Booking Terms

Description of Services

You are purchasing activity sessions from Kids Active Zone. The details of each of the sessions are available through the booking process.

Collaboratively, Kids Acitve Zone have set up Grovelands Active with Grovelands Community Primary School to provide this service for their pupils, parents and the community. Kids Active Zone are committed to delivering the best possible service and we will always appreciate your feedback.

Refund Policy

Refunds will only be issued where any of the following apply:

  • The session is cancelled by Kids Active Zone
  • If you have mistakenly booked a session and inform us within 24 hours of that booking
  • Refunds will not be offered due to absence. In exceptional circumstances we will consider each case on its own merit and if you believe you are entitled to a refund, please contact the office.


We would respectfully ask that all sessions are paid for in advance. This will also ensure that we can plan for the children and numbers attending, ensuring that enough equipment and staff are on site.

Our breakfast clubs are open daily from 7:45am until the start of school and cost £4.50 per child, per session. Our after school clubs are open Monday to Friday, up to 5:30pm. Prices as follows: until 4:20pm is £4.50 and until 5.00pm is £7.00.


We accept payment in Great British Pounds only.

Payment Types

We accept payment through bank transfer only.

Grovelands Active

Grovelands Community Primary is working with Kids Active Zone Ltd to provide Grovelands Active.

We provide breakfast and after-school clubs that are designed and delivered in partnership with the school to best support the community.

Our breakfast clubs are open daily from 7:45am until the start of school and cost £4.50 per child, per session. Our after school clubs are open until 4:20pm, 5:00pm or 5:30pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday and until 5:00pm or 5:30pm on Tuesday & Thursday.

Grovelands Active is provided by Kids Active Zone Ltd 10689041 who are registered with the information commissioner office as a data controller: ZA334245.

Contact Us

Contact Details

Email: or
Telephone: 07887401178

Registered Address:
Archer House, Britland Estate,
Northbourne Road, Eastbourne,
East Sussex BN22 8PW